Friday, March 5, 2010

laughter section

According to the popular Muslim belief, when one fell sick, one called upon the prayers
and the good wishes of those considered god-fearing and pious.

In a despaired state, a man whose son was very sick called on a nearby Bektashi Baba;
he asked the Baba to come to recite prayers in order that his boy be cured.

The Baba, who cannot get out of this duty, accepted the plea and soon arrived at the
door of the townsman. Standing near the child, he opened his hands towards the sky
and prayed, “My God, make it so that this boy dies immediately.”

The horrified father grabbed the Baba and threw him out of the house.

Many days later the man came across the Baba on the street and said, “Do you
remember when you came to recite prayers for my son and, contrary to what I asked of
you, you asked God to take his life? Well God did not listen to you and, El-Hamdulillah,
my son is cured!”

The Bektashi started to laugh and responded, “It’s for that reason that I cursed the lad.
I have been on bad terms with God lately and He has been giving me the opposite of
what I ask for!”

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