Monday, December 10, 2012


Enlightenment is like this chocolate .You have it ,you taste it ,you enjoy it  ,you try to  share it, you  describe it  and say I am loving it. and then slowly its taste fades and you forget about it ...................TOTAL FREEDOM

Monday, December 3, 2012

Connecting with your GURU

When ever you start any spiritual practices ,sit in a clean peaceful place .Its better to sit in your meditation room in front of your Guru's picture ..
 Join your hands in pranam mudra and Bow to your guru with deep love and oneness. Start connecting to your guru with your mental body .Guru is sitting between a golden light .Feel you are sitting in your guru's feet and his hands are  on your head . whole atmosphere is being  filled with golden  light and energy . Feel the soft ,lovable touch of Guru's hand on your head . Lots of love and energy is being transferred in you by yours Guru's hand .You are filling with his tremendous love . You are filling with light You are slowly  getting  drowned and dissolved in your Guru's love .You surrender completely .The figure of guru dissolves .The figure of you dissolves are no more there only love and light exists .
Connecting this way to your Sadguru enhances the level of meditation of the seeker  and opens its doors towards cosmos to receive the love ,light and wisdom of higher self .

(When ever I write on my blog I feel I am sitting in Osho's feet keeping my head on his lap .Just like a little girl sitting near her father .Her body seems to be   asleep but she is totally AWAKEN  holding hands of her father and moving in tremendous light .)