Monday, June 6, 2011

source of pain misery

MY Q..........

If every thing is made up of Sat chit Ananda ,if every thing appears and dissolves in sat chit Ananda
then how pain arise and from where ?
if the very base of appearance is Anand ,then from where this pain, sorrow ,misery comes.......
Have you ever felt pain ,anger ,misery when you are in meditation with supreme bliss ?
NO .we don't feel any emotion in state of stillness ........
but when we come down from that state and attach ourself with EGO .
we feel we are body meera sunil .im anita etc
.now imness too is not bad .......
if IMNESS gets surrendered to supreme lord becomes a medium of supreme bliss ..
it becomes a medium of attaining the param anand of Nirakkar

EGO becomes just like hollow flute, a medium of anand
but WHEN imness gets attached with SUPER EGO ....
with feeling >>> .i must get every thing as I want .With dictator ego ,
then when the wishes DON'T come as wanted .
.pain .misery arises .........CONCEPTUAL MIND +DESIRE = PAIN
BLUE ,RED ,YELLOW exist in pure form but when BLUE is mixed with YELLOW = GREEN
so what i find that desire too is not bad because this desire gives us a way to search thy self also .
but when desire gets hooked with conceptual super ego it leads to pain .
so body identity with conceptual super ego is black hole of pain misery .
So the CONCEPTUAL EGO is source of pain, misery not the stillness ..........
pain .misery appears when you invite them becoming a desirous mind ........


kushal said...

thanx ma .. <3

sunil said...

thnx Ma...ya in still ness..there is no one has to be still...pranam...