Tuesday, February 5, 2013


The word "karma" comes from the Sanskrit verb kri, to do. Although karma means action, it also means the result of action. "KARMA" means "action." Every action or thought determines a reaction .
In YOGA Tradition, KARMA has a much deeper meaning. In this vision, KARMA is the accumulation of our past actions. These past actions (triggering actions) are causes which determine other actions (triggered reactions) in exact accordance with the charge of the corresponding past actions.
Each of our physical, emotional or mental movements is the fruit of causes coming from the whole Universe and has its repercussions in the whole Universe.
For instance, if you do a bad or good action toward someone, this triggers a reaction which will be equally bad or good, and which will be directed toward yourself. In this way, you experience the happiness or suffering that you have produced to other living beings. The paramount value of this subtle mechanism is that we learn and accumulate a certain ineffable wisdom that pushes us toward becoming good and perfect.

KARMA has three levels. The first level is the level of the past actions that are waiting to produce a reaction. This is called SANCHITA KARMA, the latent KARMA.
The second level is the level of the past actions whose reactions are fully manifesting, being responsible for our present life and creating its circumstances. This is called PRARABDHA KARMA, active or mature KARMA.
The third level is the level of the actions which will be triggered in the future by our present actions. This is called future KARMA.

PURPOSE OF KARMAS - The main purpose of the Law of KARMA is learning. If, through understanding and consciously changing your life, you learn a lesson, the KARMA that was supposed to teach you that particular lesson through suffering, is automatically burned.
KARMA is the main cause of our existence in this world. An individual is not only affected by his own KARMA, but also by that of the community or race to which he belongs (collective KARMA). A good or bad KARMA is equally undesirable for he who yearns to liberation, because it enchains the human being on the Wheel of Eternal Returning. In YOGA vision, KARMA is "good" when it permits the human being to realize the spiritual evolution, and it is "bad" when the opposite is the case. "Bad" KARMA means that a lot of lessons have to be learned; "good" KARMA means enough lessons were learned, so the human being can start the conscious work of inner growth.
HOW TO BE FREE FROM THE CHAIN CIRCLE OF KARMAS - with constant practise of awareness and meditation one is  able to merge continuously into the Eternal Bliss of the Supreme Consciousness.The wheel of life circle breaks after enlightenment ,where the understanding is perfect, pure and complete .One is out of illusion .From then on, all his Actions will be free of any KARMIC charge. These actions can trigger reactions, but only if the YOGIN desires so. An enlightened master has complete control over the fruition of his KARMAS (actions).
In my view  karmas means as children playing in the ocean of eternal love .The moment they leave the mode of playing and gets serious or attached with their actions , they enter in the circle of karmas .when they again re -discover their play mode they are out of circle of vivacious chain of birth and death ._()_ hariom

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