Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Do you feel that happiness depends on detachment from the world ?

Happiness doesn't depend on attachment or detachment . Happiness is like a ever flowing river of joy which never dries whether it is flowing in total aloneness or it is flowing through a crowded city .Happiness is not temporary .Its a state , attained with deep understanding and meditation .For me I am happy in both ways whether I am attached or detached . I am living in this temporary world . I am attached to my kids ,my husband ,my other relatives, friends and I am very happy . At times I am totally detached from periphery and  I remain in center . I am happy . 
But there is a state where I remain 24/7 .That is neither attachment nor detachment . I am at peace ,deep joy .
You can be happy in both ways in attachment and in detachment only when you discover the Real happiness within. 
The happiness you feel in day to day life . which comes and pass , is temporary .Its not the joy arsing from you . Its out come of any desire which has been fulfilled on that particular moment . you can be happy in attachment when you are at peace with yourself  ,totally accepting life as it is .In deep harmony with existence .You can be happy in detachment if you are blissful within .But both attachment and detachment are two extreme modes on which people swing . If you are in love with existence , if you love your being ..you will neither be totally consumed by attachments not by detachments . You will  flow in the middle,  living life with deep understanding  and lightness .
_()_ hariom

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