Monday, September 1, 2014


A real seeker has no idea what he will get in the path of REALIZATION .He just keeps following his heart where he hears the instructions coming from cosmos .He keeps no idea in him of any god ,any guru any angel or guide .He just sees god in his heart without any specific image of him .He deeply feels him in his heart . His mind is totally blank and pure as clean water .He doesn't have any idea where his next step is heading because he is walking in unknown .Abundance has many things wrapped in it . while moving on the path of unknown he unwraps many dimensions . He sees many reflection and images .He meets many living entities of those zones and takes what ever comes as blessings from them to him and moves in unknown . He keeps no notion or idea about meeting or non meeting these entities .who ever keeps any idea or holds any notion can never enter in the unknown .unknown is unknown how can any one form any notion of unknown .Ideas can be kept or formed only of known .when Osho said that Buddha entered in him for certain period of time then he was not imagining it .He just left himself as a hollow bamboo for cosmos to flow .He made no choices .He just allowed things to flow through him .If you wish to enter in the unknown free yourself from all notions .

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